Ship cleaning: what is it and can it remove cholesterol plaques?

An entire industry and many myths have developed around the so-called "ship cleaning". However, our blood vessels are not pipes, and even in theory, cleaning them to remove cholesterol plaques or calcium deposits is not so simple at all.

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In colloquial language, "cleansing" is also known as heart surgery to widen a dangerously narrowed vessel - angioplasty, bypass, stenting. Their methods are different  but essentially the same: a catheter is inserted into the vessel, and the damaged, pathologically narrowed area is straightened and strengthened from the inside with the help of an implant.

special rings, springs or tubes. The need for such operations arises if the atherosclerotic plaque closes the lumen (artery) by more than 50%. When the blood supply is disrupted, oxygen and nutrients are not supplied to cells and organs, and a person's life can be put on hold. It happens that a vessel or artery is blocked with a thrombus - a person suddenly feels very tired to the point of passing out, palpitations

Suspicious pain (headache, in the heart area), choking, and pale skin. Such conditions are considered acute, and as a "cleaning" procedure, thrombolysis is used with special preparations on an outpatient basis. After stenting, bypassing, or angioplasty, the blood supply is restored but requires special medication and monitoring by a cardiologist.

The fact is that due to the additional systemic load, microlesions can form on the arterial walls. The damaged tissue swells. Cells that respond to inflammation (eg, white blood cells) accumulate around the lesion, and fat and cholesterol floating in the blood also attach to them - a cholesterol plaque is formed.